Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Random Cool and Thought Provoking Points

I went to a Higher Ed Web Conference this week in Flint, MI. It was amazing. I'll be posting about one or two topics in the next few days, but I thought I'd give you some of that random knowledge and thought provoking points that I learned and experienced to start off with.

Let the randomness begin:

HiPPOs: Highest Paid Person's Opinion

Unicorns and Rainbows: A more intriguing way to say: "In a perfect world"

Web Monkey: The person who is on the other end of "Hey, web monkey, go make these updates"

Frankensites: Websites that have been mutilated and grown to epically tragic and large proportions

Lauch and Leave: Launch a site or social media profile and never update it

BYOD: Bring You Own Device

Just some cool and thought provoking points. :)

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