Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Is One Sub-Population Education Diversity?

So I was doing my daily morning news surfing for interesting articles and whatnot and came across an article about the search for the University of Kentucky's Provost. It intrigued me because it triggered some thoughts I had a year or two ago. What is the purpose of diversity for just diversity's sake?

In many of my classes, diversity, inclusion and multicultural issues and programs have been discussed, suggested and studied. However, theory and practice seem to be a connection that is not made all the time.

I remember as an undergraduate student leader and in the first few years of my professional career that the diversity office on our campus was not all that active with diversity issues. Primarily it focused on race, and in particular one minority group. Now, the programs they engaged the students in were fantastic, however, I remember thinking that why are we not exposing the students to other sub-population groups as well?

I understand that it is important to educate students on their historical culture and to share that knowledge with the campus community, however, is there a potential diservice when that is the only programming that is really engaging and made as a priority? I think that there is a potential wall that is built. While a program is educating everyone on a specific sub-population, should there not be a balance on educating the university community on other sub-populations?

As I've been going through my classes, there is always a need for balance. A balance of gentle prodding and a strict hand, a balance of support yet encouraging students to figure things our themselves, a balance of academic and holistic approaches. Should there not be a balance on diversity and cultural education as well?

My ethnicity is Asian, specifically Korean-American, and I was always looking for programming about the heritage and culture. However I never saw any programs form the diversity office. I was a little put off by that, and have always been a little wary of diversity offices that only focus on one or two sub-populations and does not balance them with a wide range of other educational programming concerning other sub-populations.

Just some old random thoughts that recently arose with some news articles that have been written lately.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

What If "Shit Just Happens"?

Yet again, my thoughts are triggered by an unfortunate incident. :(

The Boston Marathon (if you have been living under a rock this week) was terrorized by several bombs during the event, and killed 3 people and injuring almost 200 others.

While the incidents did not happen on a college campus, colleges and universities across the country began tightening security. And once again, conversations began to open back up on security, additional officers, and other such measures.

For some reason, though, something was bugging me in the back of my head that these tightening up of security just didn't seem like the right response to the event. Then I found an article on which clarified my little "bug". It basically made the point that most colleges and universities have adequate preventive security measures, and some times "shit just happens" and that campuses should focus on adequate response programs just as much as the preventive measures.

One of the positives of the Boston Marathon Attack was the response of the security and Boston PD as well as attendees of the events. For the most part, communication and response was tight and on point.

To me it seems that campuses are so engrained in preventive measures that they loose sight that "shit just happens" and in order to have a fully adequate security program an effective and purposeful response program is a must as well.

As a professional I had an idea of what I should probably do in the case that such an event happened on my campus, however, there was no official procedure, nor walk through or practice for such an event. Now, our public safety department is one of the best I've seen on a campus, but if an event occurs there is still a responsibility of the staff and faculty to take care of any students within their immediate area. I often did wonder if such events happened on campus, what I would do. I was a new professional in charge of a highly active Student Organization Center on the 2nd Floor of our building with the rest of my office on the 3rd floor on the opposite end of the building. So for all sense and purpose, I was alone if such an event happened, and as these events have been growing in number, this has been a concern for me. I researched suggested practices and had a plan if something happened, however it was only the measures that a new professional could come up with.

As these events seem to be escalating, I have to wonder if there will be a practical shift towards a balance of preventative measures with educating staff and faculty on effect responses and procedures, in the case this would happen.

It is scary to think that amidst everything else Student Affairs professionals get to endure, campus shootings and stabbings (or worse) could occur, but if we want to be proactive in this time of growing violence, perhaps we should continue the great preventive measures we all have, but also focus on what to do if "shit just happens".

In closing, my thoughts and prayers go to all the victims, families, cities and anyone effected by these latest shootings, stabbings, and whatnot across the country, be it on college campuses or not.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Groundswell and Politics...Easy Way to Loose Your Job?

"The lessons of the Penn State abuse scandal are clear: university officials, at the highest level, are responsible for safeguarding the welfare of our students, and must be held accountable for their failure to do so."

This is a line from a letter from the Rutgers Faculty to their governing board, demanding the resignation of University President Robert Barchi

Ever since this latest incident occurred and hit the news cycle, I've been wondering a lot about the responsibilities of administrators.

I've been watching as individuals, over the past year or so, on campuses are being reprimanded for a variety of incidents. From Penn State to now Rutgers University, in particular coaches, are being caught for illegal, unethical, or unprofessional attitudes.

As it should be, these individuals are being reprimanded, fire, let go and the proper legal action is being taken. However, it is not stopping there. As in the letter from the Rutgers faculty, higher administrators are being held accountable to the point of being asked for their resignations.

I find that some of this is very political and some of this is just a frenzy and groundswell from social media. So, I'm wondering at what point does the accusation stop and the re-habilitation start? As a far future administrator for the Student Affairs field, I feel that any decision one makes could come back to haunt you, whether it was good or bad. And many times when there is a gain in one place, there is a loss somewhere else. So at what point in time can the whole picture be taken into consideration in regards to accusing administrators and demanding their resignations?

The Penn State and Rutgers Presidents are being asked to step down in extremely different situations. I feel that with Rutgers, its more of a political move rather than a purposeful move.

Not totally sure what my final opinion on this will be, and still thinking this through, but, this is just where I'm at with my thought process for right now. :)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Random Social Media Musings

I've been studying PLNs for the past few days, and have been finding amazing information about them. In all honesty, PLNs can be anything interactive outside of the official work place, and even then, within the workplace there can be PLNs. The reason for the ease is PLNs? Technology and social media.

It's unbelievable how technology and social media have connected us in ways that was thought impossible only 10 even 20 years ago.

Think back on your first day of joining Facebook (For those of us in college with an .edu email) or even before then, MySpace, which was the first major social interactive platform for public consumption. Did you ever image that everything you do online would be significant and potentially play a role in how you get a raise, a promotion or even acquiring a job?

I was giving a presentation to some undergraduate leaders for my fraternity and social media came up. Let's be honest. Fraternity and sorority members may not be the smartest users of social media, which needs to be addressed, but that's another post. We spent almost an hour discussing and debating the implications of throwing up photos from parties, or a night out at the bar, or even suggestive photos from Spring Break. As the conversation progressed, it dawned on me that the implications of social media that I have come to learn about, are taken advantage of by the younger generation who have always been involved in social media and technology. They understand the uses of it, and how to manipulate it, and create it. However, there seems to be a disconnect with appropriateness. We went through several of the brothers' profiles for examples. (Let me tell you we saw many fine examples of what NOT to do.) However, conversing with them and finding out why they posted such things and thoughts became apparent. Social media seems to be their diaries and journals. The hand writing days are gone, and electronic media is in. For an example, in one of my classes Grumpy Cat came up, and the concept that Memes today, are our parents' political cartoons from the newspapers.

Looking at social media from their generation as their diaries and their lives, I can see how many are getting in trouble and how it is becoming a challenge for them when it comes time to create a professional image. We are asking many to change their personal expression into a professional PLN, more or less.

I've personally had challenges with this, and have learned both the easy and hard ways on the effects of social media in my professional life. However, when the personal and professional are all but merging and social media is becoming a lifestyle and primary avenue for interaction, how can Student Affairs Professionals help draw that line between personal and professional for our students as well as understanding that social media is the next generation's way of expression?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

First Year Tips

Wow, my first year as a Graduate Student in a Higher Education program is coming to a close. It's been a great first year. There are some tips that I was given and have found extremely valuable. I've also learned some tips as well. I offer the following tips to those who may be considering a Student Affairs program.


1) Be open minded, a.k.a. be an information sponge - Whether you've been in the field already or brand new, just absorb any information, suggestions, advice and knowledge that you are able to. To those already in the field, do the best you can to set aside pre-conceived notions and practices and be open to change.

2) Be engaged - Get involved with your cohort and faculty. Don't be afraid to ask questions and make comments during class. The more engaged you are, the more you'll get out of your experience.

4) Get feedback - Get feedback on everything, so you can learn. Also, self-reflect on interviews, interactions, etc. The more knowledge you have about your skills and habits, the better you are able to improve yourself :)

3) Network! - Be bold and meet people. For those extroverts, this will be second nature. If you're a more quiet and reserved individual, take the first step and really get to know your cohort. More than likely they will take you along for a ride on their networking as well :). Also use social media and create a personal learning network for yourself. If there are Tweet-ups or anything similar, take advantage of attending those! Finally, consider attending conferences to network, and don't be afraid to walk up to someone and introduce yourself while attending.

4) Be realistic and optimistic - As in life and everything else, there will be highs and lows, however work on setting realistic goals, being realistic about yourself, and being optimistic in every situation. There are always plenty of "dooms-dayers" and negativity, but to me, it seems that those who can move past the shock and horror and find a productive and learning element to everything, the more successful they are.

Just a few tips for those beginning their programs or those considering Student Affairs to being successful in Grad School for Student Affairs. :)